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Outdoor Activity Center Stream Restoration

Dr. Warren Edwards

The Outdoor Activity Center Stream Restoration project site is located within a 26-acre urban nature preserve in southwest Atlanta. The Outdoor Activity Center (OAC) is property of the City of Atlanta located at 1442 Richland Road within the Oakland City neighborhood. The preserve and environmental education programs are managed by the West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA), a local 501c(3) non-profit organization.

The project was developed as a part of the City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management Green Infrastructure Design Challenge. The winning team for the design challenge is led by Volkert, Inc., with the following partners: Dix Hite + Partners Inc., Accura Engineering, Inc., Community Representative, Mr. Darryl Haddock of WAWA, and Student Team Member and Oa

kland City resident, Mr. Kyle Lamont.

The scope of the project is to employ nature-based design solutions to create construction documents for the enhancement of the site and quality of waters that flow to North Utoy Creek. Plans for the work will incorporate green infrastructure to facilitate the enhancements.

Project objectives include:

 Restoration of stormwater and natural seep surface flows to a remnant stream channel on the property by partially blocking inlets to underground stormwater pipe and constructing a new stream channel seg

ment.  Stabilization of an actively eroding gulley by constructing a regenerative step pool conveyance to manage stormwater flows into the property from Plaza Avenue. The step pool conveyance reduces the energy and velocity of flows by creating pools that are reinforced with large boulders to emulate a cascading stream.  Connecting the restored stream to a constructed floodplain at the northeast corner of the property to enhance water quality and manage the rate of runoff into the restored stream.  Including a viewing platform to provide enhanced access to the new environmental features and increase educational opportunities for OAC visitors.

Field surveys and geotechnical work are currently wrapping up. The surveys included boundary, topographic, and utility surveys as well as tree and invasive species surveys. A wetland assessment has also been performed.

Preliminary design planning and hydrologic and hydraulic analysis are underway. Community communication planning and coordination will continue.

The project design work is expected to be completed by mid-June with construction starting afterward at a currently unknown sched


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